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November update!

November has been a busy month with a few new students which is great!

This month I have had some really brilliant feedback and 5 star reviews which I am so touched and grateful for. It's always a pleasant surprise to see them as I don't ask for reviews. It always makes me smile and is nice for me to know that I am doing the best job I can for my students.

My formal reviews are on the website to view - in addition I have had a very touching email from my student who, after her first lesson, emailed me to thank me for being so inspirational (which is THE BEST compliment for me as a teacher) and my younger student who is only 6 years old yet is so talented beyond her years; she wrote down 'I have a singing teacher. I like it. I was shy, but now I'm not'. Ridiculously sweet.

I love working with all my students and reading all the reviews and feedback is part of the reason I love my job so much. I get to do something I am passionate about myself, and in doing so, help others. I am so lucky!

Singing lessons aren't just about learning how to sing correctly, it also builds your confidence (which can improve your day to day life). It can be a form of de-stress and for that 1 hour it can be an escape through music. I know how much my lessons meant to me when I had them and whatever the reason for you wanting/having lessons is it is well worth it.

For enquiries you can email me on or contact me on 07742227862

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